Here's the latest in the Chariton home... 2 weeks ago, I packed up me and my four little ones in the car and drove to Phoenix to visit my sister-in-law, Jessica. The drive went surprisingly well (thanks to Honda for putting a DVD player in!) We only stopped ONE time the whole way down! It truly was a miracle. On Thursday (I had been there 4 days), Gabe flies in and completely surprises me. I had NO clue he was coming. He told me there was no way he could. It was so fun having him out there. We went to a way fun childrens museum, hung out at Jess' pool, had a fun birthday party for Jarom, went on some fun walks, enjoyed the sunshine and then packed up in the car again for our trip home. This time, thankfully, Gabe was able to drive and so I could tend to the kids. Thanks hun for the fun surprise!
What else? Oh yes... My mom just graduated from BYU! It was neat to see her walk and get her diploma. She has worked so hard and graduated with honors! Way to go mom!
The latest news, which I have mixed feelings about, is that Cannon is totally crawling now!!! Time to put the gate up on the stairs! Its so cute to see him crawl to something he wants. He's getting big way too fast!!! He is such a good baby. I'll post pics of the crawler and other happenings next time.
3 weeks ago